My open-source side projects

DSALGO is designed for those eager to master data structures and algorithms. Motivated by the challenge of making these concepts easier and more engaging for my college juniors, I created this platform. It features dynamic animations and visualizations to simplify complex topics and make learning both intuitive and enjoyable.

DOCMED enhances traditional diagnostic procedures, which are often slow, costly, and prone to human error. We’ve developed an advanced ML model to predict various diseases such as COVID-19, viral fever, and dengue, integrated with an interactive web-based dashboard. This platform offers additional insights and recommendations based on the user's medical data.

CODECHEF APP is a Native Mobile App built with Django and React Native that allows users to track their CodeChef progress, monitor peers' performance, get notifications for the latest announcements and contests across multiple online judges, and view detailed descriptions of upcoming CodeChef contests.

CODEFORCES-MARGDARSHAN is a web app built with Vue.js and Codeforces APIs, enabling users to practice questions solved by another user and highlighting common questions completed by both users.